Sunday, February 15, 2015

Bitter Cold? Forecast is Bright at Shul

As the temperatures drop to frigid lows, there seems to be no escape from Winter's tight hold.
For our beach community on the country's North East Coast, the warmer seasons are mere weeks away, yet feel a great distance off when you're chilled to the bone.  Hibernation is commonplace this time of year.  Many people fall prey to the...

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Back to the Basics

As we kick off the English calendar year, it’s customarily a time to count our blessings and list resolutions --those small or great life changes we strive to make, so as to improve our lives. 

Shul is a place where one’s new beginnings and self-promises are cheered on.  Torah values, rabbinical teachings and a congregation of friends serve as a support structure. 

Whether you seek spiritual guidance or want to help others in need, consider coming to synagogue more often.  A gathering spot for study, communal prayer, enlightenment and inspiration, such positive forces can play a vital role in seeing through the progress we wish to make.
What better way to begin 2015 than with a new Shabbat 101 women’sstudy group, offered by our own Rebbetzin Rachel Vinik?  She herself is one of our newest shul family members, yet didn’t hesitate to jump in and share her time and insights with those who are interested. 
An open invitation awaits.  Hope to see you soon.
Copyright 2015 by Erika Prafder